
Monday, March 22, 2010


It's I before E except after C. Drop the E before adding ING. So far so good, pretty basic stuff. F as in fish, PH as in phase and GH as in enough. Now it's starting to lose me. I swear I heard 3 Fs.I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but cry doesn't have an I and laugh doesn't have an F. Then theres the T that sounds like an S in TION and the C that doesn't sound at all in science. Silent letters, why?.Speaking of why,why the H. That's H as in hop, hat and howdy. The Y in sky sounds like IE in pie or the I all by itself in pi. An I sounds like an I but then again so does eye. Back to the TION which can be SION. So TI,CI and SI all sound like SH when preceding ON. Then there's FAUX PAS which sounds like FOO PA. It's french but it's in my dictionary, as if my own language wasn't confusing enough.


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